Motorised vehicles

For an intelligent, durable and secure mobility

mobilité intelligente durable et sécurisée



Restricting / Forbidding

AutomobileCamionS-case rouge2

Passage of four-wheeled motorised vehicles

Authorising / Facilitating


Passage of four-wheeled motorised vehicles

Certain locations should be accessible to one or several types of users, without however being accessible to everyone.

For example, if you wish for a park to stay open to pedestrians, people with pushchairs, PRM and cyclists, but forbidden to motorised vehicles (cars, scooters…)

Depending on the location (street, park, garden, pedestrian or residential zones…), it can be necessary that an access should be open, continually or intermittently, and if possible made easy for permitted users.

Deux roues motoriséS-case rouge2

Passage of two-wheeled motorised vehicles

Sélective barriers

Bicycle accesses
















Street parking

As municipal representatives or administrators of private or public parking spaces, it is necessary to be able to manage those spaces which you are responsible for. You seek a reliable solution to answer and/or uphold the policy which you have established.


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